Monday, March 28, 2011

Our time is going by so fast! It was out last Sunday meeting this past Sunday which was really sad, we had a really nice potluck dinner - thanks Roxy for organizing it for us!!

The ladies busy in the kitchen...

The men relaxing in the lounge...

Dinner time!

Little Shaun with his mouse mask on!

Joan and I

Hugh and Anna Keith. Anna's maiden name was Gondolis and she lived in Albuquerque when she was little close to where my Dad grew up although they don't remember if they have met each other.

Singing for our desert..

Yum! The delish pav Roxy made!
So we are currently digging the camper out...I don't think we will actually be able to drive it out coz the wheels are frozen to the ground but we nearly have it all dug out!

The back door...

Fresh snow!

It was snowing so hard while we were shoveling!

Just starting out...

I was the same height as the snow bank we were shoveling...

Getting closer!

We made it! Now we just have to shovel out the side, front and push the snow off of the top...
The other night we helped put in a rail for a competition that the hill put on for spring break. We went down and watched a bit of the comp and here are a few photos of it...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Reon and Jaxon (the hills groomer driver) where working in the park last night. I cooked a roast dinner got picked up in the Cat and took it up to them and we ate it in the park!
Not something you do everyday!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So Hayden and I supported St Paddy's since we are 1/4 Irish, we snowboarded for the afternoon with our green on... the bow did impair my left side vision just a little.

Roxy and Kingston came and stayed at the cabin for a couple of days. Here's a couple of cute photos of Hayden and Kingston.. it suites him don't you think :-)


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This past weekend we went tubing on the hill for Navy's birthday!
Here are the pics...

Everyone piled into the truck!
Walking through the village to the tube park
The Tube Park!

You can hold onto each others tubes and they swing and push you down...
Jerry looking cute!

Re sitting back and watching for a bit...

Michael and Reon sent Roxy and I flying down in this tube!!!! If we wern't holding onto each other and the tube we would have fallen out!
You get sprayed pretty good on the way down!

Mmmm dairy queen icecream cake for Navy's 9th birthday!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Your probably getting sick of snow pictures but it just keeps snowing here! Winter is never ending for Canadians! We only have three weeks left here so it is going super fast! Its going to be very sad leaving but also looking forward to some sun and the next part of the trip! xo

Walking from the cabin to the track that you can snowboard down into the village

Apex from the lift!

Out the 'wildside'

Pretty scenery!

There is a super nice run that you have to walk to and there is gaurenteed fresh tracks every time coz only locals know about it


My pretty snowboard...

Some pics of Re digging out our van...