Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Everything is all ready, now we wait in anticipation! 

The change table my amazing hubby built

Looking into the room from the lounge

Looking back into the lounge from the room

The doors that open up into our bedroom

Looking into our bedroom

Looking from our bedroom into the babies room

An awesome train and saying from Levarnee

This is where I guess I will be spending a lot of my time in the next wee while!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Last Saturday Helena took a few photos of Re and I so thought I would share them. I apologies if you are 'bumped out'!

Monday, July 23, 2012


We've been having the most amazing winter weather here! Gorgeous clear skies and the temps usually sitting around 25C during the day. The other evening we took Oz to the beach just as the sun was going down...

Playing cards at Rob and Mels

A new Cafe has opened up just down the road from Kraig and Ingrids and just around the corner from our place... I'm thinking this could become my new hang out!


And the countdown is on... only three more weeks to go!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Well only one more month to go!! It has gone SO fast and these weeks are just flying by! We can't wait to meet our little monkey and he will be here before we know it!!

Here is where all the action happens! We've chosen to go with the birth centre which is a wing off of the hospital. It's kind of like a home setting but if anything goes wrong you are connected to the hospital and have all the help you might need available.  There are three identical rooms to this, the only difference being the colour - one blue, one green and this one. There is a full kitchen (I'm standing in the kitchen to take the photo) and the bathroom/shower is to the right of this photo. Apparently they have never had all the rooms full at the same time, Kate (my midwife) said they came very close to it on the weekend but not quite. After having baby you can stay for up to 6 hours then its off home. I've been warned by my experienced friends that this is way to soon so I found out that I can be transferred to the hospital afterwards if I like. 

All my reading material over the last couple of months. The top one being the most entertaining of them all, which Reon got for his birthday from some of our friends here!

I packed my bag the other day and my book said you needed an ice cream container in the car incase you vomit on the way to the hospital. I thought this was a great excuse to finish the ice cream off so I had an ice cream container on hand!!

This was the first onsie I brought which Reon promptly hung on the wall in our bedroom. 

I made this little monkey face the other day to stick onto this singlet.  

Our little monkey's monkey collection so far! 

Aren't they so cute!?

This is the sock monkey I made from a sock monkey kit Mum sent over. 

Painting the cot. We're nearly done painting the cot and once that is done I can finally get the room organised. Reon told me the other night ' I know you just want to nest but you need to just hold out for a little longer!!'

36 weeks!!!

Monday, July 9, 2012


I never thought we'd be pregnant at the same time but very exciting we are!! We'll have babies only 4 or 5 months apart! Can't wait! Now we just have to get Janelle on board ;-) ;-)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


We had our baby shower last weekend. It still feels weird typing 'OUR' baby shower! Reon got asked 'How's the father to be?' He looked at me after and was like 'wow, that felt kind of weird being called a father!' I guess we better get use to it because we only have 5 1/2 more weeks to go!! Exciting!

We had it out at Rob and Mel's in there bali hut

The spread!

Lyndsey and Kara made these awesome monkey cupcakes!!

Janine and Belinda made this baby carriage with a baby out of fruit!

Welcome baby!!!

Re and I
                                                                 Ursula and Chris

Me, Sherry, Belinda and Tahlia

Mel and Belinda

Ingrid, Janine, Kara and Lyndsey

Re, Helena, Emily and Sherry

Opening presents

Rob a bachelor here in Tville gave Reon a box equipped with gear to change nappies!

A suit, mask, goggles and ear plugs - saftey first!

It all got a bit much for the boys so they had to migrate over to the shed and talk about manly things!

All the ladies!

Pulling our labour faces!!

Rob reading out the baby quiz questions

Re and Tahlia 

We also got a survival kit with....

Coffee and ear plugs! 

A hose for bad nappies and quick and easy house cleaning, Ear plugs for a good nights sleep and runny noses, and masking tape for behaviour management, minimising crying house, emergency nappy pins, emergency nappy and quick DIY leg waxing for busy Mums!!