Monday, May 31, 2010
It has been raining here for the past week, everything is so damp and gross, we are all very ready for the sun to come out and shine again! In my bordem I found out that our editing program does these collages so I put together some of our summer pics in NZ.
I thought I would share them with you and remind you of summer days! xo
So I got some closer shots of a few bears for you :0) These two bears where about 100m from our Camper right down in the main car park.
This bear climbed a tree right up in the village! The police and conservation officers where trying to get it down for around 45min before they shot it with a tranq gun. I really wanted to upload the video of it falling out of the tree but after 45 min and still waiting for it to upload I think I'm going to give up....Poor little thing would have a headache after falling that far out of the tree though, it really did land with a thud and a big ooooo from the audience!
The crowds come out to watch Whistler wildlife... (we pretend we are locals until we hear things like fire crackers and bear clappers going off and then we grab our cameras and run to get a look at the action!)
They where setting off fire crackers to try and scare it down...
After shooting it with a tranq gun they carried it out...
and loaded it on the back of the truck...
Poor little mite!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
So Reon and I are officially employed - he is a lifty on the mountain and I am
Reon is working 4 days on 3 days off and starts on June 14th. He picks his free season pass and uniform up on Monday which he is preeety stoked about. I'm not sure what hours I am working, if it's even part time or full time, what my wage is or when I start but you just take what you get here!!
We celebrated by having lettuce and avocado with our Nacho's!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Well everything is just Tickidy-boo here. It was a long weekend this weekend, but it didn't really apply to us as we have every day off. We still haven't had any luck with jobs....yet – apart from Rene. He is working at an agency doing some freelance work so he is holding the fort up. There is a magazine that comes out here weekly and the job section is filling up now that it is getting closer to summer so fingers crossed! Reon had an interview yesterday to be a lifty on the mountain which would be an awesome job! It sounded promising and he'll find out next Monday if he is hired. They do things snails pace around here!
Here are a few photos from the past wee while. Sorry this post is so long I've been a bit lazy putting photos up.
Enjoy! Xo
P.S Feel free to drop us a line or two anytime – would love to hear from you!
Janelle and I went for a bike ride to the lake. There are so many beautiful small lakes in the bush that have all different walkways to get to.
Our dinner's are getting more and more interesting the longer we go without work. This dinner consisted of rice, tuna and in the last minute we poured some mayo on! It was actually pretty good. The boys look real stoked about it!!
Rene celebrating the fact that we are having desert!
We went mountain biking yesterday. The boys have been pushing up everyday but it was Janelle and I's first time yesterday. Its a loooong way up pushing a bike!!! Bring on season passes where we can catch the chair lift up!
After coming down we drove the camper to a lake for dinner. Rene and I took a dip before tea – freeezing!!!
Some of the houses are so flash!!
My first photo of a bear! If you look real closely you can see it...its in the green clearing...the black spot! We could tell it was a bear coz it moved across the clearing. Maybe next time I'll get a closer shot :0)
Here are the boys cooking dinner!
Another way to hang out washing when its raining!
The last two ½ days Reon, Janelle and I have been tidying up a ladies section for her. She advertised on Craigslist for someone to come and tidy it up and we got the job! We can now add landscapest's to our C.V.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Our days are slowly passing as we continue to search for jobs. We have a nice little pattern going which consists of:
Getting up a lot later then the sun
Eating pancakes for breakfast
Hitting the outskirts of Starbucks for our 2 hours of free internet in which we check for jobs
Head back to the mother ship for a spot of lunch
Have an afternoon nap (since our morning has been so strenuous)
Read books
One of us will cook a a delicious culinary delight for dinner
Sit around and annoy each other out of bordem
Say we are going to get up at 8.00am tomorrow then go to bed!
Here are a few photos that I have taken over the last few days!
Enjoy xo
We go to Pemberton for Sunday morning meeting and the owners of the house have humming birds, they are such cute little birds!!
Janelle and I went for a walk so I took a few scenery shots.
Its been such gorgeous weather so we stopped off at this lake to enjoy the sun!
The boys have been enjoying riding in the bike park, there is one that is right beside where we park the camper and this particular one is just out of town
As you can see we haven't done washing for awhile!