Monday, May 10, 2010

So I know we haven't been traveling for that long so we are far from experts but here are a few things we have learnt....

1.There are more important things to buy then food(ie new dirt jump bikes)so you learn to eat the same thing for breakfast lunch and tea because it's cheap. eg. Pancakes
2.You learn how long you can go without showering before turning into a crazy person
3.You learn that water is a necessity in life after trying to live without it for a few days
4.Shopping is out of the picture(or so your husband thinks)so all the beautiful shoes, bags, scarfs, clothes all stare longingly at you from the selves.
5.You learn how to bargain – “if you get to buy a jump bike that means that I get to buy a ….......”
6.You do absurd things like share a 28” camper with another couple
7.You meet so many interesting ppl
8. You learn what a miracle way the truth is in that you can meet with a room full of strangers and feel like you never left home.
9.A favorite game to play is “If I could have anything right now I would....” it usually ends in something to do with food like “eat a nice juicy steak with some chunky fries and a gooey chocolate desert”
10.Last but not least – its lots of fun!

1 comment:

Edna said...

Sounds like you all are on a learning journey.
Have fun while you are there.
Love Bruce & Edna