Monday, June 18, 2012


Last weekend we drove down to Ayr to visit Squeak and Sheree who live on a farm and grow cotton, maize and sugar cane. Here are a few photos...

Sheree, Jolie, Taylor and there two puppies
Taylor and Oz. Oz was in doggie heaven running around the farm. 

Taylor examining a tiny little hole in the road

Jolie and her big bike
Squeak has his flying licence and one of his friends from Brisbane was flying up to Mackay for  work so he flew to Ayr on Saturday avo for Squeak to have a go in the plane. 
Watching from the ground
Two cuties

Waving to Daddy

Reon went up and took the camera but the photos didn't come out very good with the reflection in the glass

Little Taylor having a go
Yip they managed to get me up in it!! 
Whew I made it back!!
Reon and Taylor
Camp fire
Gorgeous sun set

1 comment:

lew n Merle said...

You were brave!!!!!!!Mx