Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Grandmas here!!!

Sound asleep in his 'box'

Daddy playing Lakyn some sweet tunes

                                            Tahlia gets excited every time she see's Lakyn

Monday, August 20, 2012

Lakyns 1st Outing

2 days old

We went out to Rob and Mels for a surprise birthday breakfast for Mel

Breakfast in the Bali Hut

Rob Mel and Lewi

Blowing out the candle

Ingrid and I

Meeting Lew and Merle over Skype - Lakyn yawned, love Lew's expression!!!

Night time cuddles with Dad
Bedtime cuddles with Mum

A little movie we put together last night - Probably a bit long! There's us clucking over him, him chilling out in the bath and Kaisha and Coen oohing and aaahing over Skype. Coen is quite fascinated by him, I guess its because its another little person!

Friday, August 17, 2012


 ... I was born on Thursday the 16th August (same day as Aunty Merle!!) at 5.08pm, it took me 16 hours to find my way into this world! Mummy and Daddy are very happy and so in love with me! Here is my 1st 24 hours in photos....

                                                        Here I am just a few minutes old!

Daddy, Mummy and I

My name is Lakyn (pronounced Lay-kin) I weigh 8 lb 1 and am 54cm long. These are my cute little feet!!

Here's Mummy with the best cup of tea she has ever tasted!!!!

Here's Daddy putting me in clothes for the 1st time to take me home!

I headed home just 4 hours after I was born, Mummy and Daddy couldn't wait to get into there own bed!

Here I am at home with some gorgeous flowers from Grandma, Grandpa and Grandma and Grandad congratulating Mummy and Daddy on my arrival. Thank you so much!

Here's my Daddy changing my nappy. Mummy and I think he's the best Daddy in the world!!

Sherry was my very first visitor, she thought I was pretty good looking!

I met my cousins Kaisha and Coen and my Aunty Melissa on Skype. I also meet my Aunty Janelle, Grandma and Grandpa Bassett, Grandma and Grandad Knowler, Roxy and my friend Kingston and Steve and Jess all over Skype today! Whew, all that showing me off really wore my out!!

Meeting my Aunty Levarnee and my cousins Bo, Carley and Sophie!

Here's my Daddy giving me my very 1st bath!!

I wasn't so sure about it but once I relaxed I loved it!

I'm pooped!! But I'll have to tell you a funny story, when I was in Mummy's tummy she thought it would be a good idea to get a bassinet for me, but Daddy told her I would be sleeping right next door in my cot so I wouldn't need one. Mummy, being a good Mummy agreed with Daddy. Well, the 1st night at home Mummy went to bed and woke up a couple hours later with Daddy coming to bed carrying a dressing draw with me in it! He put it down next to his side of the bed so he could keep a very close eye on me all night long!! (Daddy first tried to put me in the clothes basket but I was too long!) Daddy thinks maybe we can wait a few more nights before putting me in the big cot!

Here's my Mummy and me, she loves having snuggles with me and she could just stare at me in amazement for hours.

I met Adrienne and my girlfriend Tahlia who was SO excited so meet me, she clapped her hands and jumped up and down!

Me having cuddles with Cam

My Daddy went to the store and brought Mummy brie cheese, pesto and crackers! She sure was happy! 

 Janine and Belinda called around to oo and ahh at me, they thought I was pretty handsome!

I hope you enjoyed looking at my 1st day! I am now in my PJ's, wrapped up in my blanket and lying on Daddy's tummy about to hit the sack for the night!! I'm sure Mummy will be posting a lot more photos of me in the future!!
Love Lakyn

Monday, August 13, 2012

40 WEEKS!!

I am officially very pregnant!! 40 weeks and 2 days to be exact. I thought things were starting on Saturday but they stopped and again on Sunday and then they stopped again and I haven't had anything start up again, so we wait....  Here's a few photos of our weekend.
(The photos above - the 1st one was taken when I first found out I was pregnant and the 2nd at 40 weeks) 

Fisherman at the beach

Makes me want to go swimming!

Playing fetch at the beach with Oz and Astra

Oz and Astra

A couple of pics of the bump ( I know I have way to many photos of it!!)

Dinner at Cam and A's with Kraig and Ingrid

Tapa's at Chris and Ursela's - the above photo was just the start of the food...

Anytime now baby....

Thursday, August 9, 2012


This is our winter - so beautiful and warm!

Helena and Bracken


Tomatoes in the garden, I don't eat tomatoes but apparently they are really nice!

Playing fetch with Oz in the backyard