Monday, August 13, 2012

40 WEEKS!!

I am officially very pregnant!! 40 weeks and 2 days to be exact. I thought things were starting on Saturday but they stopped and again on Sunday and then they stopped again and I haven't had anything start up again, so we wait....  Here's a few photos of our weekend.
(The photos above - the 1st one was taken when I first found out I was pregnant and the 2nd at 40 weeks) 

Fisherman at the beach

Makes me want to go swimming!

Playing fetch at the beach with Oz and Astra

Oz and Astra

A couple of pics of the bump ( I know I have way to many photos of it!!)

Dinner at Cam and A's with Kraig and Ingrid

Tapa's at Chris and Ursela's - the above photo was just the start of the food...

Anytime now baby....


Nick & Mel said...

Man you were skinny! You look the same except with a lovely bump. That last photo is my favourite yet. ♥

Andrea said...

Thanks! ;-) x