Monday, October 11, 2010

We stayed in Whitehorse for a few nights waiting for a fuel pump to be sent there from the states as we only had one 60 litre fuel tank. The other tank in the back just needed a fuel pump to be put in for it work. Long story short it was going to take to long for the pump to arrive so we just brought 8 jerry cans from good ol' canadian tire!

This collage pretty much sums up white horse! This guy worked at Walmart and he was the most friendliest bubbly salesperson you would ever meet - with the best mullet ever I might add! We seen him arrive in town so the boys snuck a few photos of him!

We stayed outside Tyler and Amber Fletts house in the motorhome. They spoiled us so much and it was so good to get to know them. They cooked us our first moose which was really good!

Playing monopoly (Rene was really losing so not sure why he is cheering!:))

Happy Fathers day Dad!!

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