Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bob and Lita dropped us off at the ferry terminal (we stored our camper at there house) and started our trip down to Juneau. It was a 3 hour ferry ride from Haines to Juneau, a very overcast and rainy trip... We were in Juneau for 2 days - on the day we arrived the last cruise ship for the season was docked but it left at midnight that night. The next day all the downtown shops were shut and taking there stuff down and packing up, it was crazy - talk about a tourist town!

We arrived at the Juneau ferry terminal but no buses go out there there route stops 5k's before so we had to get our walking shoes on...

One of the boys put out there thumb out when a truck went passed and he picked us up - it was defiantly a highlight :-)

Rene took this one of Janelle... it's one of my favourite photos of our trip!

Downtown Juneau...

The hostel we stayed at. It opens at 5pm and the door is locked for the night at 10.0pm. You have to be in bed lights out by 11pm and gone in the morning by 9am and they lock the doors for the day until 5pm.

Some more pic's of Juneau...

It kind of reminded us of Wellington with it's step drive ways and stairs!

McDonalds - warming up and checking our emails...

We took a bus and then walked a couple of k's to the Mendenhall Glacier

A few shots along the way...

Raindrops on the leaves...

Re with the glacier in the background!

Janelle and I

The Mendenhall Glacier


Group shot!

This beaver was cool to watch making his dam. We later found out that if you make lots of noise or throw something at it it would have slapped its tail on the water really really loudly warning the other beavers there's danger and to keep down. Kind cool..

Rain drops!


Bruce & Edna Bassett said...

We have loved your blog all along. Lovely pictures.

Andrea said...

Thanks for the inspiration! :-)